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Earth Passengers‘ Permaculture Education Center



We have been developing our home and classroom on about one hectare of beautiful land situated between Dulan Mountain and the Pacific Ocean.

Welcome to follow us on our journey over the past few years on how we have been applying permaculture design to transform a worn-out rice paddy to a thriving garden, food forest and active classroom. We have slowly turned a sad monoculture landscape into a diverse paradise that supports not only ourselves, but our students, interns, and the thousands of animal, plant and microbe species that keep this place in constant production.



Reading the landscape: Observe and Interact

▲ 當初大地旅人來到這塊地時,這裡的土壤非常貧瘠、只有幾種雜草和一棵小樹,經過許多時間觀察太陽、水、風、土壤、坡度、聲音、動物生態等周遭環境,我們試著將所有的變因串聯起來,不斷思考能如何在這裡生活,恢復這片土地的生命力。

When we first started out on this land, there was plenty of bare soil, a couple species of grass and one tiny tree. After some time observing the nature of this land, including sun, water, wind, soil, slope, sounds, flora and fauna, we gradually came to understand how we could live here and increase the land’s ability to absorb energy, and thus life.

▲ 所以,我們將觀察到的事物全都列在扇形分析上。

One of the first steps in designing any land is the “sector analysis” which shows how external energies affect the site. All design decisions are informed by this essential information. One could say this is the “fengshui” of permaculture design.

▲ 這是基地的初始設計圖,但至今這片土地仍在持續地觀察、調整與建置。

This is one of the first designs for this site.


Zone Planning