- 大地旅人環境工作室創辦人
- 第15屆全球樸門大會IPC15 召集人
- 《向大自然學設計,樸門- 啟發綠生活的無限可能》共同作者
- 台灣樸門永續設計學會第二屆理事長
- 《地球使用者的樸門設計手冊》(Earth User’s Guide to Permaculture)、《探索樸門》總編輯、綠雜誌(Green)樸門永續設計專欄作者
- 曾任主婦聯盟環境保護基金會常務董事、看守台灣協會理事、環保署認證環境教育人員、新北市社區營造中心顧問、台達電子文教基金會「住屋節能改善計畫」主持人等。
Hui-i Chiang
- Co-founder of Earth Passengers Permaculture Design
- Convener of the 15th International Permaculture Convergence
- Co-author of Design for Life, Taiwan’s first introductory book on permaculture
- Second Chairperson of the Taiwan Permaculture Institute 2012-2015
- Editor-in-Chief of translations for Rosemary Morrow’s book Earth User’s Guide to Permaculture, David Holmgren’s book Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability, and Green Magazine’s feature issue on permaculture design
- Served on board of directors for Homemakers’ Alliance and Taiwan Watch, served on EPA’s committee for environmental education, consulted for New Taipei City community building center, and chaired Delta Electronics Culture and Education Foundation’s Home Energy Conservation Project
- 樸門永續設計專業認證(Permaculture Design Course, Australia, 2008, 師事Robyn Francis)
- 樸門永續設計專業認證(Permaculture Design Course, USA, 2010, 師事Penny Livingston、 Brock Dolman、John Venezuela)
- 樸門永續設計教師認證(Permaculture Teacher Training in Permaculture College Australia, 2011, 師事Robyn Francis)
- 2012 年獲澳洲樸門永續設計學院(Permaculture College Australia)頒發樸門永續設計應用學位證書-都市的樸門永續設計與執行、樸門永續設計推廣與服務、樸門永續設計教育與培訓、社區與組織發展(Diploma Award in Applied Permaculture Permaculture)
- 進階樸門設計培訓:樸門的永續救援(Permaculture Sustainable Aid)
- 社會性樸門:社區溝通與引導技巧培訓(Community Facilitation)
- 生態村與轉型社區社區培訓(Ecovillage and Transition Community Design)
Professional credentials
- Permaculture Design Certificate Course with Robyn Francis in Taiwan, 2008
- Permaculture Design Certificate Course with Penny Livingston, Brock Dolman, John Venezuela in Hawaii, 2010
- Permaculture Teacher Training with Robyn Francis at Permaculture College
- Diploma Award in Applied Permaculture in the areas of urban permaculture design and implementation, promotion of permaculture, permaculture education and training, and community organization and development (Permaculture College Australia, 2012)
Areas of expertise:
city and social permaculture design, natural building, creative courses design and teaching, environmental education planning, energy education consulting, energy saving planning, leadership courses.
江慧儀,台灣師大環境教育研究所碩士(Master of Science, Environmental Education),1995年因緣際會來到尚未蓋六輕的麥寮工作,那土地沁涼的味道、動物的身影、日月星辰如潮汐起落,讓她因感動而走進環境教育領域。
從2000年開始,在台灣第一位樸門設計師孟磊(Peter Morehead)的耳濡目染下學習樸門永續設計。她是澳洲樸門永續設計學院(Permaculture College Australia)認證的樸門教師,於2008至2016年投入推動都市樸門永續設計的實踐,倡導城市農耕、屋頂生態農園設計、生態化社區與校園規劃等。
2010年起投身鄕村樸門實踐,於台灣台東設計營造樸門農園與教育基地,提供台灣樸門學習的系統性實際案例。2012年起亦定期前往中國深圳、成都、重慶、福州、桂林、上海、北京、貴州、雲南等地提供教學與設計顧問。2017年受邀於第13屆全球樸門大會(International Permaculture Convergence, IPC13)與國際資深樸門教師共同教授樸門永續設計認證課程(Permaculture Design Course),授課學生來自全球80個國家。目前協助尼泊爾密勒日吧禪修中心進行樸門設計規劃與建制顧問。
Hui-I received her graduate degree in Environmental Education in 2003.
After graduating from university, Hui-I worked in Mailiao in 1994 before construction of the Sixth Naphtha Cracker Plant devastated the countryside there. At this time she was deeply moved by the countryside and became intimately aware of nature’s rhythms, which inspired her to begin a career in the field of environmental education.
Hui-I began learning about permaculture design from her husband Peter Morehead after he returned from taking a PDC in Australia in 1999. She received permaculture teacher accreditation from Permaculture College Australia after years of promoting urban permaculture design, urban agriculture, rooftop gardening, ecological communities and schoolgrounds from 2008 to 2016.
Hui-i and Peter began implementing the design of a property on the east coast of Taiwan which was to become both their home and a permaculture learning center. During this time, Hui-i was frequently invited to teach and consult throughout China, including urban and rural areas of Shenzhen, Xiamen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Guilin, Shanghai, Beijing, Guizhou, and Yunnan. Hui-I was also invited to co-teach the Permaculture Design Certificate Course at the 13th International Permaculture Convergence in India, with 80 students from all over the world. In 2019, Hui-I consulted on the permaculture design project for the Milarepa Meditation Center in Nepal.
Apart from 23 years of experience in the field of environmental education, practice and promotion of permaculture design, Hui-I’s interests include pottery, yoga, film, sharing meals with neighbors. She is keen on social justice issues such as poverty, child labor, sweat factories, farmland degradation, and welcomes people with similar interests to join Earth Passengers in making the world a better place.
孟磊 (Peter Morehead)
- 樸門永續設計專業設計師(台灣第一位獲得樸門教師認證之講師)
- 三石再生設計有限公司主持設計師
- 《向大自然學設計,樸門- 啟發綠生活的無限可能》共同作者
- 台灣樸門永續設計學會(Taiwan Permaculture Institute)創會理事長,現任監事。
- Professional permaculture instructor (Taiwan’s first permaculture teacher)
- Professional permaculture designer, co-founder of Earth Passengers Permaculture Design
- Co-author of Design for Life, Taiwan’s first introductory book on permaculture
- First Chairperson of the Taiwan Permaculture Institute 2009-2012
- 澳洲樸門永續設計專業認證(Permaculture Design, Australia, 1999, 師事Geoff Lawton)
- 進階樸門永續設計教師認證(Advanced Permaculture Design Course in Teaching, USA, 2006)
- 獲澳洲樸門永續設計學院(Permaculture College Australia)頒發樸門永續設計應用學位證書(Diploma Award in Applied Permaculture)-都市的樸門永續設計與執行、適切科技、樸門永續設計教育與培訓、社區與組織發展
- 社會性樸門:社區溝通與引導技巧培訓(Community Facilitation)
- 生態村與轉型社區社區培訓(Ecovillage and Transition Community Design)
Professional credentials
- Bachelors Degree, Master of Science in Chinese Language and Environmental Studies at University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1996
- Apprenticeship at Maplewood Gardens Organic Farm and CSA in Elderon, Wisconsin, 1997
- Permaculture Design Certificate Course with Geoff Lawton at Tagari Farm, Australia, 1999
- Advanced Permaculture Design Course in Teaching with Tom Ward and Jude Hobbs, USA, 2006
- Diploma Award in Applied Permaculture with focus on appropriate technology, permaculture education, and community development (Permaculture College Australia, 2012)
- Community Facilitation course with Permaculture College Australia, 2012
- Ecovillage and Transition Community Design with Permaculture College Australia, 2016
系統性環境設計、土壤復育、自然建築(Natural Building) 、被動式太陽能設計(Passive Solar Design)、適切科技、生態化友善農耕、雨水收集系統研發等。
Areas of expertise:
whole systems design, soil regeneration, natural building, passive solar design, appropriate technology, ecological agriculture, rainwater harvesting.
孟磊是大地旅人環境工作室的發起人之一,他從高中開始便對各種友善地球的生存技能及知識產生高度的興趣,並嘗試在生活中實踐,更積極擴展個人與社會群體如何能一起生存的相關技能。1999年,孟磊在 Bill Mollison 營造的澳洲樸門永續設計研究中心完成樸門永續生活設計認證課程(Permaculture Design)後,在陽明山平等里應用樸門打造了風之谷家園。2006年,孟磊於美國完成了樸門教師認證課程 (Advanced Permaculture Design Course in Teaching),成為台灣第一位樸門教師認證之講師。
Peter co-founded Earth Passengers Permaculture Design with his wife Chiang Hui-i. Since high school, he has been highly interested in learning how to live a more environmentally responsible lifestyle. While survival skills were a primary focus in his teens, Peter realized that environmental problems had become so severe and complicated that only communities working together could effect change. In 1996, Peter launched a webpage on permaculture in university and helped establish a CSA system at Maplewood Gardens in Wisconsin. After living in Taiwan for several years trying to sneak environmental education into children’s English lessons, in 1999 Peter decided to take a Permaculture Design Certificate Course in Australia at Tyalgum Farm established by Bill Mollison. Upon return to Taiwan, Peter and Hui-i found a shack in the mountains above Taipei City where they began getting more hands-on practice. During this time, Peter began introducing the concepts of permaculture in Taiwan, starting with a community college course in 2002 and island-wide solar cooking workshops in 2003. Peter became the first certified permaculture teacher in Taiwan after taking an Advanced Permaculture Design Course in Teaching in 2006.
Peter has more than 20 years’ experience in permaculture design with a solid foundation in both theory and practice. He regards his career as soil regeneration, restoring ecological diversity, feeding people and inspiring others to live more resilient lifestyles. In addition to teaching courses in urban communities, villages, and schools all over Taiwan, Peter also provides professional permaculture design services. Apart from growing vegetables, fruit and animals, and running an internship program, other work includes the ongoing implementation of Earth Passengers Permaculture Learning Center design, various designs for corporate farms and homesteads, design and implementation of rainwater harvesting systems, ecological education site design, rooftop utilization designs, and renovation of traditional architecture using natural building materials.
Peter is frequently invited by government and private organizations as a keynote speaker on ecological design, has served on the jury of the Taipei Design Awards and the Taiwan International Sustainable Design Competition. Other projects include an urban space community design course, green campus design, and courses for the Partnerships for Community Development (PCD) in Hong Kong. Peter is often invited to teach and consult throughout China, including urban and rural areas of Shenzhen, Xiamen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Guilin, Beijing, Guizhou, Zhengzhou, Huizhou and Yunnan.