
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the following methods:

➀ 按網頁右上角 的符號 ,在FB私訊中展開即時對話

You can press the symbol in the top right corner of the webpage to start an instant conversation in the Facebook private message.

➁ 填寫下方聯絡表單

Or fill out the contact form below

➂ 傳送 Email 至 info@earthpassengers.org

Or Email us

➃ 寄信:116台北市汀州路四段105巷10號1樓

Or you can send a letter to us :1F., No. 10, Ln. 105,, Tingzhou Rd.,Sec. 4, Taipei City 116, Taiwan

➄ 若有急事,請以電話聯繫 02-2935-0203 / 0912-186-694

If you are in a hurry, please call +886 2-2935-0203 / +886 912-186-694