IPC – International Permaculture Convergence 是全球樸門永續設計實踐者交流的盛會。從1984年起,約每2~3年舉辦一次,並由不同的國家樸門實踐者主辦。主要的籌備工作由 IPCC(IPC Committee)與當屆主辦單位協力籌辦。 更多詳情請前往國際大會官網 — http://ipctaiwan2024.org
IPC – International Permaculture Convergence is a global exchange of permaculture design practitioners. IPC has been held every 2~3 years since 1984, hosted in a different region each year by local practitioners . The main preparatory work is organized by the IPCC (IPC Committee) in cooperation with the current organizers.
For more information please go to the IPC official website — http://ipctaiwan2024.org
(圖/2017 IPC India 會前課程(PDC)的參訪活動)
(Photo: 2017 IPC India Pre-Conference Permaculture Design Course (PDC))
IPC的目標:讓全球更多人認識樸門永續設計,提升樸門網絡的交流與合作International Permaculture Convergence Goals: raise awareness of permaculture design throughout the world, and encourage communication and cooperation among permaculture networks
- 讓更多人知道樸門設計對社會的貢獻與協助
- 發展與深化樸門設計的理論與實踐
- 透過工作坊交流樸門知識與相關技術
- 邀請具有前瞻性的實踐者/研究者分享
- 擴展樸門實踐國家的參與
- Raise awareness of how permaculture design contributes to society
- Develop and deepen the theory and practice of permaculture design
- Exchange knowledge and practices through workshops
- Invite forward-thinking practitioners/researchers to share experience
- Expand the participation of permaculture practitioners in all regions
IPC活動內容/IPC Activities

A team of experienced international instructors will provide the following courses, open to participants from all over the world:
- 2024/11/06-11/12樸門師資培訓 Permaculture Training of Trainers
- 2024/11/13-11/27 樸門永續基礎認證課 14 Days International Permaculture Design Course(PDC)
- 2024/11/30-12/01 研討會 Conference
- 2024/12/04-12/8 IPC大會 Convergence
- 2024/12/9-12/12 各類進階工作坊、彈性工作坊與其它周邊活動 Various Advanced Workshops Flexible workshop dates and other side events
As usual, the convergence will formally kick off with a 2-day conference held in a major city (most likely Taipei) and will be open to the general public and relevant professionals. Content includes:
- 介紹全球樸門進步案例,讓主辦國民眾認識樸門的影響力
- 分享具有前瞻性的再生設計相關研究、發展與趨勢
- Global case studies featuring permaculture design solutions
- The latest research, development and trends in regenerative design
After the 2-day conference in the city, the convergence will move out to a more rural setting (Taromak village in Taidong) for a week of over a hundred presentations by local and world-renowned permaculturists. Participants can freely choose from a variety of presentations, demos, workshops and forums in different themes (speeches, demonstrations, workshops, forums) every day. Participants are also welcome to initiate their own sharing during available open slots in the schedule.
- 更多詳情請前往國際大會官網 — http://ipctaiwan2024.org
1. Urban and rural regenerative design for disaster prevention and mitigation in the age of climate crisis
2. Permaculture education and youth action in the era of climate crisis
3. Permaculture on the edge: refugee camps and vulnerable groups
4. Weaving the wisdom of Asian Pacific Island cultures into permaculture design
5. Resilient economies: human-scale and community-based
6. Permaculture for Resilient Land Management: Regenerative Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
7. Permaculture Design for Social Harmony
- 當地文化體驗
- 自然環境探索
- 文化夜市
- 大會食材博覽會
- 傳統技能分享與工作坊
- 會後主題工作坊
- 樸門案例參訪之旅
- 台灣山岳、國家公園探索
- 原住民部落生態旅遊
Activities during the conference:
- Local cultural experience
- Exploration of the local natural environment
- Local cultural night market
- Introduction to local growers and cuisine experts
- Traditional skills sharing and workshops
Post-convergence activities:
- Themed workshops
- Permaculture site visits
- Explore Taiwan’s mountains and national parks
- Indigenous ecotourism
* Note: Some activities are only open to PDC graduates
更多詳情請前往國際大會官網 — http://ipctaiwan2024.org
1984 IPC1 澳洲 Rowlands, New South Wales, Australia
1986 IPC2 美國 Breitenbush Hot Springs & Olympia in the NW of the USA
1988 IPC3 紐西蘭 Kaiwaka, New Zealand
1991 IPC4 尼泊爾 Nepal
1993 IPC5 瑞典 Copenhagen, Denmark and Gerlesborg, Sweden
1996 IPC6 澳洲 Perth, Australia
2005 IPC7 歐盟 Croatia organized in cooperation with Danish Association/European Permaculture Institute
2007 IPC8 巴西 Brasil, Permacultura America Latina
2009 IPC9 馬拉威 Malawi
2011 IPC10 約旦 Jordan
2013 IPC11 古巴 Cuba
2015 IPC12 英國 UK
2017 IPC13 印度 India
2022 IPC14 阿根廷 Argentina
大地旅人如何爭取到 IPC15 主辦權
- 2017年12月,大地旅人於 IPC13 在 IPCC 會議中提出爭取意願。
- 2018年3月,大地旅人提出意願申請計畫書。
- 2018年6月17日,獲得非正式通知,經過 IPCC 投票結果獲選。
- 2018年12月,IPCC 以新聞稿正式宣佈「大地旅人爭取到第15屆國際樸門大會主辦權」,原訂於2023年在台灣舉辦,但因全球疫情影響,預計將改為2024年。
How Earth Passengers came to host IPC15 :
- December 2017: Earth Passengers announced desire to host IPC15 at the IPCC meeting held during IPC13.
- March 2018: Earth Passengers submitted proposal to apply.
- December 2018: IPCC officially issued press release stating that Earth Passengers was elected to host the 15th International Permaculture Convergence. IPC15 was originally scheduled to be held in Taiwan in 2023, but was rescheduled to 2024 due to the impact of the global pandemic.
IPC 15-Taiwan的申請動機
Our aims as hosts of IPC15:
- 分享高密度城市社區與台灣鄉村能如何互助面對氣候危機時代
To show examples and share knowledge of practicing permaculture in high density urban communities and how urban and rural permaculture can help each other in facing climate crisis. - 提倡樸門,讓更多華語地區人士認識樸門
To further promote Permaculture and make more people aware of Permaculture, especially in the Chinese-speaking world. - 提升台灣樸門社群作為東亞生物區域與國際樸門社群資訊交流的節點
To enhance the function of Taiwan’s permaculture community as a hub in the Eastern/Pacific bioregion and to bridge information exchange among international permaculture communities. - 將島嶼生態系的韌性設計介紹給國際樸門社群
To make island ecology and resilient design more well-known among international permaculture communities - 更多詳情請前往國際大會官網 — http://ipctaiwan2024.org
資源贊助/A call for sponsors
- 適合辦說明會的空間
- 活動相關設備
- 各地住宿
- (持續增加中)
We can’t do this alone! We welcome any extra resources you wish to share to make this event run more smoothly.
- Equipment (tents, stage, tables, chairs, etc.)
- Accommodation for volunteer staff or participants
Several items will be available for “adoption”, meaning if you provide monetary support for the purchase or construction of the following items, you can choose to take that item home with you after the event:
- Tents (3×3 market tents and camping tents)
- Composting toilets (bucket collection system)
- Woven bamboo wall dividers (about 200cm x 80cm)
- Chairs
台灣銀行(004) 帳號:023-001-012969
* 本帳戶只提供第15屆國際樸門大會(15th International Permaculture Convergence)相關款項使用。捐款請註明姓名以利徵信,謝謝您!
During this preparation stage, we are co-creating the content of this event with permaculture practitioners from all over the world. We welcome any form of sponsorship for transportation and material expenses.
籌備工作分組/Preparatory working groups
- 大會組:研討會、IPC大會講師邀請、研討會場地、節目單設計等
- 課程組:PDC/ PTT/ 工作坊講師邀請與溝通、課程內容設計、課程場地建設與生活起居規劃等
- 媒體組:文案、靜態與動態影像、平面設計、活動紀錄、社群媒體等
- 生活組:IPC飲食、住宿、交通等安排 志工組:志工管理、聯繫、安排,志工護照與手冊設計等
- 語言組:活動翻譯、廣宣翻譯等
- 公關組:群眾募款、企業募款、社群媒體等
- 行政組:推廣報名、網頁管理、資訊接露、財務出納會計等
- 場地組:IPC大會場地、志工生活區等規劃建置、與部落合作規劃協調等
- 周邊活動組:市集、晚會、會後活動、會間參訪等
志工招募/Volunteer recruitment
- 各種語言的翻譯志工
- 硬體建置志工
- 網路志工
- 其他專長
Interested in gaining a different experience from this international event and getting further involved in permaculture actions? Consider joining our volunteer team! We are currently looking for volunteers in various areas, including:
- Volunteer translators in various languages
- Venue construction volunteers
- Cyber volunteering
- Other areas of expertise …
Please check out our volunteer recruitment information, or feel free to contact us!
全球樸門大會志工意願表單/IPC 15 TAIWAN Volunteers Form:https://reurl.cc/ymKr28
主辦單位/Hosted by
協辦單位/Partner organizations (持續增加中)
協力單位/Partner organizations