授課老師Instructor:Matt Bibeau(北美樸門永續設計協會/英文授課中文口譯)
課程費用Course Fee: 24000 NTD
Register Here! 點我立即報名
課程介紹(Course Introduction/Scroll down for English )
- 喚醒每個人的內在小孩:重新發現我們內心最具好奇心與好玩的一面。隨著成人生活的責任加重,許多人被迫壓抑了這份天生的活力。本次課程將重新點燃這份火花,讓你成為更具活力與啟發力的教育工作者!
- 發展永續設計活動或個人行動計畫:在課程中,參與者將獲得指導與時間來思考自己的教學目標與計畫。透過課程中的遊戲與支持性氛圍,這個經驗將助你在永續教育領域中持續成長與發展。
- 樸門永續設計在教育中的角色
- 體現樸門永續設計的理論與實踐
- 喚醒內在的孩童
- 了解如何透過探索帶來啟發
- 多元智慧與不同學習能力的教學方法
- 以永續設計為基礎的課堂管理
- 以校園農園作為永續設計的教學場域
- 提問的藝術(不需要知道所有答案!)
- 農場學校中的實地學習
- 在自然中學習的療癒效果
- 簡報與對話
- 活動示範
- 感官覺察遊戲
- 小組合作
- 發展樸門永續設計活動或個人行動計畫
關於講師:Matt Bibeau, MSEd
- 2006年完成Toby Hemenway主持的PDC課程
- 2008年參與Jude Hobbs的教師培訓課程
- 持有環境科學學士與可持續教育碩士學位,專注於校園花園與都市教育農場
- 近期取得北美永續設計學院的永續設計文憑
- 2005-2020年:任職於City Repair Project
- 2009-2015年:在Mother Earth School任教
- 2011-2019年:於Institute of Permaculture Education for Children任職
- 2010-2019年:共同組織青少年教育者進階培訓
- 2014-2021年:組織都市永續設計課程
Matt目前居住並工作於Jean’s Urban Forest Farm,一個兼具教育與永續設計課程的農場。他還經營PDX Permaculture永續設計工程與諮詢公司,並擔任Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust與北美永續設計學院董事會成員。
- 費用資訊:學雜費共24,000元
包含講師費、翻譯、行政工作人員、上課期間午餐及點心、場地及保險等。(餐點多是由熱愛食物的朋友來擔任主廚,食材來源健康有把關,且包含大地旅人自種的無毒友善零里程食材!)(本費用不含:住宿、每日早餐) - 付費方式:請在收到錄取通知後7日內繳清課程費用,以便保留名額。
若報名人數踴躍,主辦單位保有報名審核之權利。 - 如果您真的有經費上的困難,請與我們聯絡,討論分期付款的可能性。
- 優惠價資訊:早鳥優惠2/15前(含)報名並完成繳費,享有早鳥23,000元優惠。兩人同行45,600元 (需同一天報名; 需分別填寫表單, 並請註明與誰同行)。
- 退費資訊:2/25前退出報名,扣除1000元手續費後其餘全額退款;除不可抗力之因素外(定義參照法務部公告),2/26~3/20退60% ;3/21~4/14退40% ;4/15 (含) 後恕不接受退費。(但您可找替代的上課人選或在扣除2,000元行政作業手續費之後,將費用保留到其他課程使用,保留期限最長一年。若日後費用有調整也需補足差額。)
【住宿資訊】為了讓住宿選擇更有彈性,學員請自行安排住宿 (報名後您會收到一份錄取通知,郵件中會有周邊住宿資源名單)。

One size does not fit all when it comes to how we teach our youth and children. The methods for integrating permaculture into their learning experience are equally unique to their age and developmental phases, as well as their lived experience and educational setting.
Join Matt in this informative and embodied learning experience for educators of youth and children, relevant from preschool through high school. Similar to how the permaculture design course incorporates a breadth of topics which reinforce the patterns of the natural world and methods of design, this training draws its strength from addressing a wide range of ages, settings, perspectives and techniques.
While educators will most often work within a specific age range, Matt’s philosophy is that there are valuable lessons in understanding the developmental phases and important learning goals for a wide range of ages. This kind of whole-systems knowledge and experience will strengthen your understanding and effectiveness as a permaculture educator.
For example, some teachers of high school-aged youth might consider the approaches for working with kindergarten-aged children to be irrelevant, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth! We will draw invaluable insight from approaches designed for the younger learners in the effort to enliven the educational experience for learners of all ages..
One of the key take-aways of this training is the re-discovery of the inner child in all of us. This is the part of us that was most playful and inquisitive, the part that saw the wonders of the world all around us. As our adult lives required a shifting towards greater responsibility, many of us were pressured to suppress the innate spark of our playful inner child. In rekindling this spark, we will enliven and enhance our roles as teachers and mentors.
Another take-away will be the development of a Permaculture Activity or a Personal Action Plan. You will be provided guidance and time during the training to consider your own goals and objectives. Drawing from the playful and supportive dynamic of the training, this flexible-format output will help propel you in your own teaching and learning journey as a contributor to the growing field of permaculture education for youth & children.
Course Content:
Matt will model learning sessions and activities for a range of ages, and provide useful methods and approaches for a range of educational settings ranging from public and private and from school gardens to organic/permaculture farms and natural areas.
Topics will include:
- The Role of Permaculture in Education
- The Theory and Practice of Embodying Permaculture
- Re-awakening our Inner Child
- Inspiration through Exploration
- Teaching to Multiple Intelligences and Alter-Abilities
- Permaculture-informed Class Management
- School Gardens as Permaculture Classrooms
- The Art of Questioning (and not needing to know all the answers!)
- Bringing Learning to the Land with a Farm School
- The therapeutic effects of nature-based learning
Course Activities include presentations, dialogue, activity modeling, sensory awareness games, group work and the development of a Permaculture Activity of Personal Action Plan.
About the Instructor:
Matt Bibeau, MSEd
Matt is an international permaculture educator based out of Portland, Oregon, USA. He is a lover of nature and finds great joy in connecting youth to the wonders of the natural world. Permaculture helped Matt channel his passion and enthusiasm into garden-based and nature-based education.
Matt completed his PDC with Toby Hemenway in 2006 and Teacher Training with Jude Hobbs in 2008. He holds an undergraduate degree in environmental science and master’s degree in sustainability education with a focus on applying permaculture to school gardens and urban educational farms. Recently, Matt received his Diploma in Permaculture Design from the Permaculture Institute of North America.
Matt has taught both college and community-based permaculture courses for adults, has worked in both the public and private school settings in the USA for ages ranging from preschool through high school, and travels to Japan and Taiwan to offer programs and trainings for a wide range of ages.
Matt’s employment background includes tenures with the City Repair Project (2005-2020), Mother Earth School (2009-2015) and the Institute of Permaculture Education for Children (2011-2019). He co-organized advanced permaculture trainings for youth educators from 2010-2019 and Urban Permaculture Design courses from 2014-2021.
Matt currently lives and works at Jean’s Urban Forest Farm, an educational farm that hosts a full-time grade school as well as seasonal workshops and courses for adults. He also runs a permaculture installation and consultation business, PDX Permaculture, and serves on the Board of Directors of the Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust and the Permaculture Institute of North America.
Watch an interview with Matt HERE.
Watch an overview of a past training HERE.
Fee Information:
The total tuition fee is NTD 24,000, which includes instructor fees, translation services, administrative staff, lunch and dinner with snacks during the course, venue, and insurance. (Meals are often prepared by passionate chefs using carefully sourced healthy ingredients, including zero-mile, toxin-free produce grown by Earth Passengers!)
Note: This fee does not cover accommodation or daily breakfast.
Payment Method:
Please complete the payment within seven days after receiving the acceptance notice to secure your spot.
Bank Details for Wire Transfer from Taiwan:
- Bank: Bank of Taiwan, Gongguan Branch (004)
- Account Name: Earth Passengers Environmental Workshop
- Account Number: 034001-000859
- If you are wiring transfer from outside of Taiwan please contact info@earthpassengers.org for SWIFT code and other bank information.
If the number of applicants exceeds the available slots, the organizers reserve the right to review and approve the registrations.
Financial Assistance:
If you have financial difficulties, please contact us to discuss the possibility of installment payments.
Discount Information:
- Early Bird Discount:
Register and complete the payment by February 15 for discounted price of NTD 23,000. - Group Discount:
Two participants registering together will be provided with a special price of NTD 45,600 (Both participants must register on the same day, fill out separate forms, and indicate their companion’s name).
Refund Policy:
- Withdrawals before February 25: Full refund minus NTD 1,000 processing fee.
- Withdrawals between February 26 and March 20: 60% refund.
- Withdrawals between March 21 and April 14: 40% refund.
- After April 15: No refunds will be issued (except for force majeure events as defined by the Ministry of Justice).
Alternative Options: You may find a substitute participant or retain the fee for other courses after deducting a NTD 2,000 administrative fee. This is valid for up to one year. Any future price adjustments must be covered by the participant.
【Accommodation Information】
To provide more flexibility, participants need to arrange their own accommodations. Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation letter with a list of nearby lodging options.